Bumper Impact Testing
To understand the impact resistance properties of bumper materials, a series of tests on specimens should be conducted, in plaque form, at varying impact energies, velocities, and temperatures.
Learn MoreChassis and Body High Strain Rate Testing
As the body is the first point of impact during a car crash, modern designs have incorporated features such as crumple zone to absorb most of the initial impact, reducing the force that will reach the passengers.
Learn MoreComposite Laminates Compression After Impact Testing
Compression After Impact test (CAI) is used to define the damage resistance of composites after an Impact event. An impact on composite laminate panel may result in no visible external damage, but it may generate a dramatic reduction of compressive strength. The design of automotive parts using composite materials should consider the effects of impact on the material properties.
Learn MoreComposite Laminates Tensile Testing
A wide range of new materials are being used to decrease the weight of vehicles and reduce emissions. Of these new materials continuous carbon fiber polymer composites offer great potential for producing lightweight structures, however, there are many barriers to their widespread adoption.
Learn MoreCrash Simulation
Over the past 20 years, the importance of occupant protection in the development of automobiles has greatly increased. Tighter legal requirements and consumer protection programs have led to significant innovations in the area of active and passive safety.
Learn MoreExhaust Line Durability Test
The investigation of the durability of complex assemblies and structures such as vehicle exhaust lines is an essential part of the vehicle development processes conducted by automotive manufacturers and component suppliers.
Learn MoreExhaust Mount Fatigue Testing
Instron® provides simple to use software with built-in DMA calculations, it is quick and easy for users to setup and run tests, saving more time to analyze the data.
Learn MoreFatigue Testing
Fatigue performance has always been important in automotive design, where the sources of cyclic loading and vibration are many and varied.
Learn MoreFull Vehicle Testing
Loads caused by driving maneuvers, e.g. Longitudinal, braking and lateral forces can only be detected by a multi-test system test stand, such as full vehicle test rig.
Learn More6800 系列 - 万能材料试验系统
Instron 的6800 系列万能材料试验系统提供出色的精度及可靠性。 6800 系列基于正在申请专利的操作员保护架构,具有全新的智能气动控制装置和碰撞保护功能,使材料测试比以往任何时候都更简单、更智能、更安全。
Bluehill Universal 手册
Bluehill Universal 软件专为直观的触摸交互式用户体验而构建。通过预加载试验方法、数秒内的QuickTest、增强数据导出,以及 Instron Connect(一项可与服务工程师直接联系的新功能)等功能去探索更简单、更智能的测试方式。Bluehill 2、 Bluehill 3 等旧版本软件的用户可以轻松升级到最新版本的 Bluehill。

Instron 提供范围广泛的全集成动态和疲劳试验系统,载荷从1000 N至5000 kN。这些试验机采用伺服液压、伺服电动和线性电机技术,涵盖几乎所有的疲劳、动态和静态测试应用。
WaveMatrix™2 样册
WaveMatrix2 是专为材料和部件的疲劳及动态测试设计的智能软件。它可以为多种应用提供灵活性,包括简单的静态斜坡、循环波形以及复杂的多步多轴测试等。高度可视化的软件界面集成了列表式模块窗口,清晰的菜单结构,基于时间的矩阵式测试进程预览以及可配置的实时显示屏,其直观易操作,可极大增强使用者信心。此外还包含很多智能特征,如数据缩减功能和内置项目组织,旨在简化您的测试。