Fatigue Testing

Fatigue performance has always been important in automotive design, where the sources of cyclic loading and vibration are many and varied. Hence fatigue behavior is a long-established part of qualification for automotive steels, and remains essential for newer designs with aluminum and composites.

Car breakdown

In today's automotive industry, cyclic loading represents a diverse range of evaluation needs, including low cycle fatigue of metals, high cycle fatigue of composites and joints, damping behavior of mountings and interior panels – all of which affect the NVH (noise vibration and harshness) and hence, passenger comfort.

Our Solution

Dynamic Systems Family

For a multipurpose laboratory handling large specimens, Instron® servo-hydraulic systems provide excellent capabilities for medium to high-capacity dynamic testing. The load frames can be configured to meet a wide range of materials, component testing, and requirements; and can be fitted with interchangeable fixtures to perform specific tests.

The Instron 8800MT controller with WaveMatrix™ dynamic test software provides high fidelity of control, and synchronous data acquisition, with easily configured test sequences and live calculations to facilitate everything from “simple” fatigue, to vibration analysis, to multi-step conditional test sequences.

Additionally, application-specific software packages can be used seamlessly on the same system to provide more streamlined workflows for LCF, fracture toughness, or quasi-static testing.

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Instron 提供范围广泛的全集成动态和疲劳试验系统,载荷从1000 N至5000 kN。这些试验机采用伺服液压、伺服电动和线性电机技术,涵盖几乎所有的疲劳、动态和静态测试应用。

WaveMatrix™2 样册

WaveMatrix2 是专为材料和部件的疲劳及动态测试设计的智能软件。它可以为多种应用提供灵活性,包括简单的静态斜坡、循环波形以及复杂的多步多轴测试等。高度可视化的软件界面集成了列表式模块窗口,清晰的菜单结构,基于时间的矩阵式测试进程预览以及可配置的实时显示屏,其直观易操作,可极大增强使用者信心。此外还包含很多智能特征,如数据缩减功能和内置项目组织,旨在简化您的测试。


凭借 70 多年的材料测试经验,Instron® 的创新能力使用户的业务得以蓬勃发展。我们致力于提供令人满意的服务,并提高系统在使用周期内的可用性。



Fatigue performance has always been important in automotive design, where the sources of cyclic loading and vibration are many and varied. Hence fatigue behavior is a long-established part of qualification for automotive steels, and remains essential for newer designs with aluminum and composites.

Car breakdown

In today's automotive industry, cyclic loading represents a diverse range of evaluation needs, including low cycle fatigue of metals, high cycle fatigue of composites and joints, damping behavior of mountings and interior panels – all of which affect the NVH (noise vibration and harshness) and hence, passenger comfort.

Our Solution

Dynamic Systems Family

For a multipurpose laboratory handling large specimens, Instron® servo-hydraulic systems provide excellent capabilities for medium to high-capacity dynamic testing. The load frames can be configured to meet a wide range of materials, component testing, and requirements; and can be fitted with interchangeable fixtures to perform specific tests.

The Instron 8800MT controller with WaveMatrix™ dynamic test software provides high fidelity of control, and synchronous data acquisition, with easily configured test sequences and live calculations to facilitate everything from “simple” fatigue, to vibration analysis, to multi-step conditional test sequences.

Additionally, application-specific software packages can be used seamlessly on the same system to provide more streamlined workflows for LCF, fracture toughness, or quasi-static testing.