Elastic Region
The elastic region or straight line portion of the test as seen on the stress-strain plot can often exhibit some non-linear behavior initially due to further straightening of the rebar specimen. If using an extensometer, this may show up as slightly negative strain at the beginning of the test and is generally considered normal for rebar.
When testing according to ASTM A615, the latest edition of ASTM A370 should be referred to for proper test control and target speeds permitted in the elastic region and until the onset of yielding.
When running the tests on servo-controlled systems, it is important to keep the following scenarios in mind. If using crosshead or actuator displacement control it is generally acceptable to use the same control and speed through both the elastic and yielding portions of the test. However, if stress or strain feedback control is used, the test must switch to crosshead or actuator displacement control just prior to or at the onset of yielding.
Plastic Region
As permitted by ASTM A370 and thereby ASTM A615, it is acceptable for the test speed to be increased after yielding has completed. For servo-controlled machines, the best way to control the test during this final region is from crosshead or actuator displacement feedback (same as yielding). However, the speed can be increased according to the standard being followed. This allows for the test to complete in a shorter period of time while still producing acceptable and repeatable results.
6800 系列 - 万能材料试验系统
Instron 的6800 系列万能材料试验系统提供出色的精度及可靠性。 6800 系列基于正在申请专利的操作员保护架构,具有全新的智能气动控制装置和碰撞保护功能,使材料测试比以往任何时候都更简单、更智能、更安全。
Bluehill Universal 手册
Bluehill Universal 软件专为直观的触摸交互式用户体验而构建。通过预加载试验方法、数秒内的QuickTest、增强数据导出,以及 Instron Connect(一项可与服务工程师直接联系的新功能)等功能去探索更简单、更智能的测试方式。Bluehill 2、 Bluehill 3 等旧版本软件的用户可以轻松升级到最新版本的 Bluehill。
自动接触式引伸计 - AutoX 750
AutoX 750是一个高分辨率、长行程的自动接触式引伸计。它可以集成到 3300、3400、5500、5900 或 6800 系列的任何一款台式或落地式的万能试验系统上,也适配 LX、DX、HDX和KPX的静态液压测试系统。它的应用范围涵盖塑料、金属、生物医学、复合材料、弹性体在内的各种材料。AutoX 的最大行程为 750 毫米,精度为 ±1 微米。