ASTM D7860 Torque Retention for Child Resistant Packaging

Standard Test Measurements using Automated Torque Testing Equipment

ASTM D7860

ASTM D7860 is a testing standard that focuses on characterizing the torques associated with thread-based closure devices of medical packaging. This standard is most commonly used for pharmaceutical pill bottles. This test ensures that all consumers - regardless of hand strength - can easily remove bottle lids to access their medication. This test also ensures that the child-closure mechanism is working properly, a critical check for the safety of young children.

Materials Testing System

For ASTM D7860 testing we recommend an Instron 6800 Series single column system with Torsion Add-On 3.0. for the lower grip, four post torsion grips are ideal since they can accommodate a wide range of bottle geometries. The upper grip should be a lathe chuck capable of grabbing onto the cap. The load cell should be biaxial. 

ASTM D7860 Test Setup
1) 5900 Series Universal Testing System
2) Bluehill Universal Software
3) 2725-302 Biaxial Load Cell


ASTM D7860 system setup
stethoscope icon
ASTM D7860 Details

ASTM D7860 requires the test machine to apply the closure torque recommended by the manufacturer, and then determine the torque needed to open the packaging. Child-resistant closures require an additional evaluation of the force needed to align and subsequently engage the threads. The opening torque is captured at various time frames after the initial closure – this is defined by the standard and ranges from minutes to days. The purpose of this is to evaluate the torque retention, a measure of the difference in removal torque immediately after closure and for up to four weeks afterwards.

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