ISO 10275:2007标准规定了测定金属板材(典型的为薄板和薄带)拉伸应变硬化指数(通常称为n值)的方法.
为了计算 n 值,按照ISO 6892标准,使用一个轴向引伸计生成一条应力应变曲线。在整个均匀塑性变形区域计算n值。该区域通常从均匀应变硬化区开始,在屈服点之后,直至最高应力(即抗拉强度 Rm)处。这些计算皆可由Bluehill® 或 Partner软件自动完成
ISO 10275试验通常与ISO10113 (塑性应变比测定) 同时进行.
The 2630-100 Series of axial clip-on extensometers offers speed of attachment and ease-of-use. The light-weight, rugged cross-brace design eliminates errors caused by physical distortion, while built-in protection ensures that damage is not caused by over-extension.
The second generation Advanced Video Extensometer (AVE 2) utilizes patented measurement technology in the fastest, most accurate non-contacting strain measurement device commercially available.
The AutoX750 is a high-resolution, long-travel automatic contacting extensometer that is used to determine a variety of calculations including modulus, offset yield, plastic elongation to failure (non-proportional), and r and n values for sheet metals.
Bluehill Universal 基于优化触控操作而开发。全新的纵向布局,专业的视觉设计,直观的工作区视图,配以色彩鲜明的大尺寸触控面板加以呈现。Bluehill Universal 的大尺寸触控点和连贯的操作步骤让用户获得更便捷,更智能的操作体验。易于理解的图标和工作步骤,简单的专业培训,即可让您快速开始试验。
Instron 6800 系 列万能材料试验系统,适用于拉伸、压缩、弯曲和其他材料特性试验。
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