fastener testing equipment

ISO 898-1 Mechanical Properties of Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel Fasteners.

metal beam icon 

ISO 898 is a testing standard used to measure the mechanical and physical properties of steel fasteners at both ambient and non-ambient temperature. Steel fasteners are an extremely common component of many consumer goods and are also critical to the construction and aerospace industries. The standard classifies various bolts and screws as either ‘finished’ or ‘material’ and includes test methods specific to each of these classifications. ISO 898 references reputable metals standards such as ISO 6892 for performing these tests in a controlled and stringent manner.

Materials Testing System

Testing of steel components requires a high capacity universal testing machine such as Instron's 68FM-100 electromechanical floor model frames or servo-hydraulic industrial test frames such as Instron's HDX.

ISO 898-1 Test Setup
HDX Static Hydraulic Testing System
W-5232 Floor-Standing Interlocked Enclosure
W-5155 Fastener Holders
ASTM F606 system setup
Grips and Fixtures

To match the specified dimensions of different fasteners, a wide variety of fastener holders and inserts are available for universal testing machines. Fastener testing accessories allow for the performance of proof tests, axial and wedge tensile tests, and cone stripping tests on most standard bolts, screws, studs, and nuts. Available accessories include a complete line of flat, wedge, and countersunk test washers, fastener holders, short bolt adapters, holder reducing assemblies, and nut-proof loading mandrels for proof, tensile, and head strength testing in accordance with ISO 898-1 and other fastener standards such as ASTM F606. These can be found on pages 27 - 38 of Instron's accessories catalog.

fastener testing fixtures for mechanical testing
W-5155 Fastener Holders
Testing Tips and Tricks
  • Performing destructive testing to ISO 898 requires critical alignment of the fastener, and spherically seated connections can be used to ensure repeatable test results for these stringent requirements. Additionally, since most testing for ISO 898 is not performed with an extensometer, it is important that the test device has appropriate stiffness specifications for testing fasteners at high loads. 
  • For more information, purchase the standard
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Instron 的 大载荷万能材料试验系统包括了用于拉伸和压缩测试的电子测试系统和大载荷静态液压测试系统。载荷范围从 100kN 到 2000kN 。

工业产品系列 HDX 型号

HDX 型号具有双测试空间和长行程测试空间,其载荷范围为 1,000 kN (225,000 lbf) 至 1,500 kN (337,500 lbf) 。

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