ISO 7864
After the raw tubing has proven it meets the required specifications, it is further machined to have a beveled fine point and mated with a hub to ultimately attach to medical devices. ISO 7864 tests the finished component, evaluating the penetration force of the needle tip as well as the bonding strength between the needle and the hub. The substrate choice for penetration is critical in gathering valid data from the test, and ensuring the substrate layer is taught prior to testing is also very important for getting repeatable results. The standard explicitly outlines the options available for testing.
ASTM F3014
Curved needles are used primarily in surgical applications for wound closure. Due to their unique geometry, they introduce additional testing challenges. ASTM F3014 outlines the needle penetration force evaluation specific to curved needles, and Instron offers a specialized curved needle system capable of applying rotary motion instead of linear force to accommodate this application.
ISO 11040
ISO 11040 outlines the tests required for needles that are staked into the end of a glass syringe. These involve the pull-out force of the needle as well as the penetration force. For needles used in conjunction with cartridge-based pen injectors, as is typical with insulin pens, the interaction between the needle component and the pen must also be tested. This evaluation mainly focuses on the functionality of the device, quantifying the torques required to assemble and disassemble the needle hub from injection device. As with the other standards discussed, the bond strength between the needle and hub must also be determined.
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